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I am seeking legal assistance to:
Establish alimony / spousal support
Collect past due alimony / spousal support
Increase the amount of alimony / spousal support
Decrease the amount of alimony / spousal support
Terminate alimony / spousal support
The most current spousal support amount was awarded by the Court on:
This date:
There is no spousal support award by the Court
This Date
The current $ amount of alimony / spousal support per month is:
There is no spousal support award by the Court
Date of marriage:
Date of separation:
Your Age:
The status of our relationship is:
We are living together but not married
We are not living together and never have been married
We are married and living together
We are separated and have not yet filed for divorce
We are separated and a divorce case has been filed
We are divorced and both living alone
We are divorced and I am now married to someone else
We are divorced and my ex-spouse is now married to someone else
We are divorced and we both are now married to others
The other parent or spouse's occupation is:
The other parent or spouse's gross annual income is:
$25,000 or less
How well do you understand your legal situation or issue? Please select the statement that best applies to your situation:
I understand my legal issue.
I have a couple of questions.
I have a lot of questions.
Gross annual income:
$25,000 or less
One Line Summary of your Case:
Describe your Case in Detail:
First Name
Last Name
State or Province
Zip / Postcode
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What level of experience would you like your lawyer to have?
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6-15 years experience
1-5 years experience
over 16 years of experience
How Will You Pay?
Credit Card
I can't pay.